I have numerous times, trying to switch car seats between my mother’s car and mine and I also occasionally need to add in a third car seat when I babysit. I usually make sure my husband switches or install a car seat since he always seems to get a snug fit, I can never get them tight enough.
Britax sent Trevor their new FRONTIER 90 Combination Harness-2-Booster™ to try out and it was the first time I was able to get a tight fit all by myself on the first try with the Britax Clicktigh technology. I wish every convertible car seat had the ClickTight Installation System.
Introducing the New Britax Frontier 90!
Britax FRONTIER 90
- 90-pound Weight Capacity in Harness Mode
- 120-pound Weight Capacity in Booster Mode
- Easy Transition from Harness to Booster Mode without removing harness straps
- Quick-Adjust No-Rethread Harness – allows you to easily adjust the harness shoulder height and head restraint from the front of the seat without disassembling the harness straps – the handle is located at the top of the head rest. No more having to thread the straps when your child grows, you don’t even have to uninstall the car seat.
- 2 Cup Holders and Storage are designed for easy access to children’s cups, snacks and toys
- Comfort Foam provides an extra layer of padding to cushion your child
- HUGS (Harness Ultra Guard System) Chest Pads
- Tangle-Free, Five-Point Harness (with 9 harness height positions – up to 20.5”)
- Integrated Steel Bars
- True Side Impact Protection
- Base with SafeCell Technology
- ClickTight Installation System
Britax Frontier 90 Booster Car Seat
The ClickTight Installation System is one of my favorite features that is available in the new Britax Frontier 90. There is no more having to wrestle with the seat belt or latch trying to get a snug fit in the harness mode, simply
- Lift up the the lower portion of the seat by squeezing your thumb and finger, where indicated. The bottom portion of the seat will lift up and the ClickTight Installation System is revealed.
- Thread the seat belt over the armrest and under the seat opening, connect the seat belt and remove slack.
- Push it closed and once you hear a click you know it’s secure.
Britax Frontier Installation:
Within seconds, you’ll have a snug installation using the Britax Clicktight technology. To uninstall, just simply squeeze your thumb and finger together again to reveal the ClickTight Installation System, and unbuckle the seat belt. If your are not installing it in another vehicle, push it closed. I have installed and reinstalled it numerous times and have always had a tight installation on the first try.
We spend a number of hours in the car especially during the spring and summer months, traveling to visit family in Michigan and 4 hour round trips to NH on the weekends so it’s important that the boys have a comfortable car seat, not once have they ever complained about their Britax car seat. Trevorwas previously riding in the original Marathon in my car, Jacob rides in the Frontier 85 in my husbands SUV. Having not just one cup holder, but 2 snack/cup holders in the Britax FRONTIER 90 was a huge plus for Trevor. The snack/cup holders are very convenient for long trips, in addition to providing a place for Trevor to put his water or snack, he also uses the extra space to store his toys.
You can also adjust the shoulder straps on the Britax Frontier by pulling the lever at the top of the headrest up and down.
I plan to have the boys in a five-point harness until as long as possible, which at a 90-pound weight capacity we have plenty of time left, Jacob is currently 5 1/2 and 40 lbs while Trevor is 3 1/2 and is 33 lbs
- Britax Frontier Weight: 25 lbs
- Britax Frontier Dimensions
- Harness Minimum (in) 19W x 28H x 21D
- Harness Maximum (in) 19W x 36H x 21D
- Booster Minimum (in) 19W x 28H x 21D
- Booster Maximum (in) 19W x 36H x 21D
Buy It:
The Britax FRONTIER 90 retails for $329.99 and is available at retailers nationwide including Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, and Amazon. It is also currently on sale at Amazon.com for $230.99.